First and foremost, thank you for visiting this site. I truly appreciate that you’ve taken the time to stop by.
This blog will be a personal one, with no particular theme or subject matter tying it all together. I’ll be sharing whatever captures my interest—whether it’s regular entries, links, quotes, or anything else I feel like putting up.
I should mention that there won’t be a set schedule for updates. Rather than adhering to a strict posting rhythm, I plan to wait until I have something I genuinely feel is worth passing along. Some weeks may be quieter than others, but my goal is to keep this space a quality one, rather than churning out content for the sake of it.
What this will ultimately look like is anyone’s guess—but doesn’t that make it all the more intriguing to follow along?
Sure it does. And if you’d like to keep up with what lurks around the corner, feel free to bookmark the site, or subscribe to its feed. I know this is only the first post, but I’m committed to doing my best to keep readers' attention.