Where Have All The Deer Gone?
Last night, I had a dream that we saw a deer in our backyard. The thing is, we used to see upwards of five of them there just about every day. Then, a few months ago, they stopped coming out of the woods.
Did they move on? Were they hunted?
We don’t know. Recently, we haven’t seen them from the window, and the motion camera has only been capturing geese and raccoons.
I suppose there’s a chance the deer are still back there, as this has happened once before. They vanished for a few months, and then returned. It doesn’t feel like they’re back there, though, and honestly, how could they resist the temptation of tasty corn? They know they have a spot back there to eat from.
I don’t know—maybe my dream was precognitive, and we’ll soon be visited by those majestic animals again. Or perhaps it was just a dream showing me what I wish would happen.